


Use Git


Calls the git application, with whatever arguments are provided.

Arguments can be provided with -GitArgument, which will automatically be bound to all parameters provided without a name.

Input can also be piped in.

If the input is a directory, Use-Git will Push-Location that directory. Otherwise, it will be passed as a positional argument (after any other arguments).

Use-Git will combine errors and output, so that git output to standard error is handled without difficulty.


Log entries are returned as objects, with properties and methods.

git log -n 1 | Get-Member

Status entries are converted into objects.

git status

Display untracked files.

git status | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Untracked

Display the list of branches, as objects.

git branch



Any arguments passed to git. All positional arguments will automatically be passed to -GitArgument.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String[]] false named false GitArguments


An optional input object. If the Input is a directory, Use-Git will Push-Location to that directory Otherwise, it will be passed as a postional argument (after any other arguments)

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject[]] false named true (ByValue)


-WhatIf is an automatic variable that is created when a command has [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)]. -WhatIf is used to see what would happen, or return operations without executing them


-Confirm is an automatic variable that is created when a command has [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)]. -Confirm is used to -Confirm each operation.

If you pass -Confirm:$false you will not be prompted.

If the command sets a [ConfirmImpact("Medium")] which is lower than $confirmImpactPreference, you will not be prompted unless -Confirm is passed.


Use-Git will generate two events before git runs. They will have the source identifiers of “Use-Git” and “Use-Git $GitArgument”


Use-Git [-GitArgument <String[]>] [-InputObject <PSObject[]>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]